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The Snowdonia Candy Mansion House of Cookie Kit offers a comprehensive DIY edible crafting experience. Designed for both children and adults, this ready-to-build and decorate cookie kit allows you to create delightful memories while engaging in unique creation, recreation, and celebrations. The ArtCAKEtect Toy Treats kit includes all essential components for assembling and decorating your own edible masterpiece. With this artisanal cookie kit, you can enjoy the creative process of cookie art without the complications of preparation, cooking, or baking. Delight in hours of imaginative play with friends and family as you craft your own delicious creations.

Snowdonia Candy Mansion I House of Cookie Kit I ArtCAKEtect Toy Treats

SKU: snowdoniachocolate
1 Gram
Excluding VAT |
Construction Cookie Flavour
  • 19052000


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